Fibromyalgia Treatment

Well…what is Fibromyalgia?

Symptoms include

  • Increased sensitivity to pain
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep, which can make you feel very tired (fatigue)
  • Problems with mental processes (known as “fibro-fog”), such as difficulty concentrating or remembering things
  • Headaches
By understanding pain, it’s cause and ways to treat, we believe this is something managed and greatly reduced with various forms of soft tissue treatment.The aim of a fibromyalgia treatment is to break the pain cycle described in this article. Why we believe Fibromyalgia is treatable.
“Fibromyalgia patients must understand this section, because your pain is directly maintained by peripheral stimuli from pain generators such as trigger points (TrPs) and arthritis. You need to control the peripheral pain generators before you can gain control of the pain amplifier, Fibromyalgia (FM). Nearly everyone has TrPs at one time or another. Have you ever heard stories such as: “I broke an ankle when I was small, and it’s been weak ever since”? The bones have healed, so why is the ankle still weak? Most commonly, TrPs were activated at the time of the break or during immobilisation after, and the soft tissue damage was never adequately treated. After the TrP treatment, the ankle will no longer be weak. We have successfully treated people who have had such symptoms for decades. Many of these patients had been told they had to “live with” these symptoms. The patients were grateful to receive healing, but some got angry later, grieving for their lost years. Consider the man impotent for 30 years, or the woman with IBS for 25 years. They looked at TrP patterns and recognised themselves. When they learned how long TrP texts had been available, they wondered why former care providers didn’t recognise the TrPs causing their symptoms. The universe has many mysteries. This lack of training is one; TrPs are not. Knowledge is power, and this book is about empowerment for patients and care providers alike. Getting to the (Trigger) Point
Myofascial TrPs are hyperirritable localized spots in taut bands within those muscle sarcomeres you met in the last chapter. You may not always be able to feel those ropy bands, but they’re there. Placing the muscle in a lengthened position exaggerates the bands and helps you locate them. Contraction knots—the lumps in the bands—can be small or large, depending on a number of variables, such as how many TrPs make up the contraction knots, the tissue consistencies, and the amount of fluid infiltration involved. When a muscle is burdened with one or more TrPs, it hurts to stretch that muscle out. Tmain at the end of the range of motion (ROM), so you avoid extending the muscle. This is not a sign of mental illness and “pain avoidance behavior”: it’s logical to avoid doing things that hurt. Some psychologists have trouble with this concept.”
Healing through Trigger Point Therapy: A guide to Fibromyalgia, Myofascial pain and Dysfunction – page 19 — We believe Fibromyalgia is something that potentially can improve with some simple soft tissue treatment, no matter how long you have been diagnosed with it for. With the use of dry needling, myofascial release and trigger point therapy, the aim is to soften and release tight fascia and reduce pain caused by trigger points leading to a reduction in chronic pain.