
Tight Traps

Upper Cross Syndrome – A Pain in The Neck

Bad back…..tight neck……tight shoulders.  These are common issues we see in the clinic very often.  In fact, 9 times out 10 I treat someone with some form of upper back, neck and/or shoulder discomfort. Why is that?  Why do so many people suffer with back, neck and shoulder issues.  Are they even the problem?  Unless there is some pathological issue […]

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Cupping Therapy: Alternative Medicine for Pain, Immunity & Digestion

Relatively unknown to most people living in the West until recently, cupping therapy is an alternative therapeutic method that has been popular in China since around 1000 B.C. Some records show that variations of cupping practices might actually be much older — possibly dating as far back as 3000 B.C. (1)And for good reason. Cupping

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